Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The reasons behind the Captcha validation

AjaxWhois.com has been online for less than a week and it has already received well over 500,000 hits (yes! half a million!). Many from legitimate users, but some were from bots and abusers.

In order to assure the best possible service to our legitimate users, we decided to implement a fair and simple Captcha validation scheme.

Each time you pass validation, you are given 30 credits. Each domain lookup will cost you 1 credit, and each Whois is 5 credits. When you run out of credit, you may simply validate yourself again for 30 more credits.

That means you can do up to 30 domain lookups (plus the suggestions provided by the system) or 6 Whois queries before validating a second time.

We feel this is a fair trade-off. What do you think?


At 5:28 AM, Blogger traugutta said...

i'think it's ok. good idea..

At 11:26 PM, Blogger Carl said...

Just hiding the email prevents some, but not most abuse, unfortunately.

Moreover, we wanted to offer a full Whois service to the good people using our service.

The Captcha validation is not 100% safe for us, but the "abuse" traffic dropped a lot since we implemented this.

I'm now thinking about modifying it a little to make it less irritating.


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